
Name of the Programme: Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Nature of the Programme: MBA is two year full time post-graduate degree programme.

Preamble: The curriculum for MBA is developed keeping in mind the national priorities and international practices. It also attempts to align the programme structure and course contents with student aspirations & recruiter expectations. This syllabus also attempts to align with National Goal of “Make in India”, “Start – Up and Stand – Up India” and “Digital India”.

Specifically the following skill sets are in focus:

1. Reading & Listening Skills
2. Problem Definition& Problem Solving Skills
3. Application of Technology Tools
4. Mastery of Analytics (Quantitative Aspects)
5. Sensitization to Cross-Functional skills
6. Sensitization to Cross-Cultural skills
7. Sensitization to Global perspectives
8. Peer-based Learning - Working in groups
9. Learning by application and doing – Experiential learning
10. Team building basics and its orientation

Highlights of the Curriculum:

The Curriculum intends to add immense value to all stakeholders by effectively addressing their requirements in more than one way by
1.Enhancing the brand value of the MBA programme of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.
2.Providing the much needed flexibility to individual Institutes to carve a niche for themselves.
3.Emphasizing the centrality of the student and teacher-student relationship in the learning process.
4.Focusing on ‘Concurrent Evaluation’ i.e. continuous evaluation throughout the programme 
5.Empowering the Institutes through cafeteria approach – by providing Generic Core, Subject Core, Generic Elective, and Subject Elective Courses. This shall provide in-built flexibility in the curriculum to help the institutes to offer tailor made courses preferred by students, from a wider basket of courses.
6. Evaluating all Half Credit Courses completely on Concurrent Evaluation pattern.
7. Emphasizing Experiential Learning aspect through Half Credit Courses.
8. Supplementing traditional classroom teaching/learning with focus on group activity, field work, experiential learning, self-study, projects, Industry Exposure Programmes etc.
9. Incorporating new specializations viz. Retail Management, Services Management, International Finance, Travel & Tourism, Media & Communication and Entrepreneurship Development thereby providing wider choice to the students.
10. A thorough revamp of Systems and Operations Specializations to make them more meaningful and attractive to BCA, BCS, BE students.
11. Providing opportunity to students to choose courses from other electives to explore cross-functional issues.
12. Emphasizing on Research, Inter-personal, Analytical, Cross-Cultural, Entrepreneurial Skills, and Global aspects of managerial careers throughout the curriculum.
13. Pattern: The Programme comprises of 4 Semesters and adopts the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Grading System.
14. Choice Based Credit System: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) offers wide ranging choice for students to opt for courses based on their aptitude and their career goals. CBCS works on the fundamental premise that students are mature individuals, capable of making their own decisions.

Course: A “Course” is a component of programme, i.e. in the new system; papers will be referred to as courses. Each course is identified by a unique course code. While designing curriculum, course can have defined weightage. These weightages are called credits. Each course, in addition to having a syllabus, has learning objectives and learning outcomes. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/ tutorials/ laboratory work/ field work/ project work/vocational training /viva voce etc. or a combination of some of these. 

Core Courses: The Curriculum comprises of Core Courses and Elective Courses. Core courses are the foundation courses of management education. They are compulsory for all the students. 

Core courses are of two types: Generic Core & Subject Core: 
Generic Core: This is the course which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a degree in a said discipline of study. Therefore, Generic Core courses are mandatory and fundamental in nature. These courses cannot be substituted by any other courses. Such courses are also known as Hard Core Courses. A Hard core course may be a Theory, Practical, Field based or Project Work based subject which is a compulsory component in the Programme Structure. 

Subject Core: A Core course may be a Subject Core if there is a choice or an option for the candidate to choose from a broad category (grouping) of subjects (specializations). These are also known as Soft Core Courses.
Following Specializations shall be offered: 
Marketing Management (MKT)
Financial Management (FIN)
Information Technology Management (IT)
Operations Management (OPE)
Human Resources Management (HR)
International Business Management (IB)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Rural &Agribusiness Management (RABM)
Family Business Management (FBM)
Technology Management (TM)
Banking and Insurance Management (BIM)
Healthcare Management (HM)
Entrepreneurship Development (ED)
Services Management (SM)
Retail Management (RM)
Digital Media & Communication Marketing(MC)
Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)
Defence Management (DM)

Students shall study 2 Full Credit Courses & 4 Half Credit Courses in Semester III and IV each for specialization courses i.e. a total of 16 specialization courses of which 4 are full credits and 8 are half credits.· Generic Core courses in Semester I provide foundations of management.

- Generic Core courses in Semester II focus on functional areas.
- Generic Core courses in the Semester III and IV are integrative in nature along with the Subject Core subjects.

Elective Course: Elective course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses. It may be:Very Specialized or advanced course focusing on a specific aspect
- Supportive to the discipline of study
- Providing an extended scope
- Enabling an exposure to some other discipline/domain
- Nurturing candidate’s proficiency/skill.

Generic Elective: An elective course which is common across disciplines / subjects is called a generic elective. ‘Generic Elective’ courses develop generic proficiencies amongst the students.

Subject Elective: A ‘Discipline centric’ elective is called ‘Subject Elective.’ 
- Generic Elective courses, in Semester I and II facilitate self-development and skill building.
- Subject Elective courses, in the Semester III and IV are focused on a specialization.

Open Elective: A subject elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/ subject, with an intention to seek cross-functional exposure is called an Open Elective. A Subject Elective offered in a discipline / subject may be treated as an Open Elective by other discipline / subject and vice versa.

Choice of Cross Functional Half Credit Courses (Subject Elective chosen as Open Elective): 
Out of the 8 half credit subject elective courses (to be taken collectively in Semester III and IV); a student may choose 2 half credit subject courses from another elective (i.e. other than his chosen elective). The student may exercise this choice either in Semester III and/or in Sem IV. The final say in this matter shall rest with the Director of the Institute.

Generic and Subject Electives will provide flexibility to each Institute to offer courses based on: 
-Intended positioning of the Institute
- Targeted Industry Linkages – sectoral requirements and networking at the Institute Level
- Student Composition – rural/urban, commerce/engineering/others, fresh/experienced, etc.
- Present & Future Faculty Competencies – generic and specialization areas
- Locational Aspects - rural/urban/ semi-urban

An Institute may offer varied combinations of Half Credit courses to various groups of students enrolled in a particular academic year / enrolled for a particular specialization based on student interests and competencies, faculty availability. 

Eligibility: The eligibility for admissions shall be defined by the Competent Authority viz. AICTE / DTE Maharashtra State for the relevant academic year.

Pattern of Examination: The evaluation scheme comprises of:
- University Evaluation
- Concurrent Evaluation
For each full credit course 
–70 marks shall be evaluated by the University and
- 30 marks shall be evaluated by the respective Institute.
For each half credit course 
–50 marks shall be evaluated by the respective Institute. There shall not be any University evaluation for half credit courses.

University Evaluation: 
There shall be University evaluation for each full credit course as per the time table announced by the University. The evaluation by the University for Full Credit Courses shall comprise of two parts: 
- Online Examination for 20 marks.
- Written Examination (subjective – concept plus case study / application oriented type) for 50 marks.

Online Examination
The Savitribai Phule Pune University shall conduct an online examination for each full credit course. This examination will be objective in nature and shall carry a weightage of 20 marks per full credit course. Students will appear for the online examinations in their respective institutes. Online examination shall constitute a separate head of passing for the full credit courses fir which such online examination is scheduled passing shall be at 30%.The student does NOT have a facility of Grade Improvement, in online examination, if he/she has secured any grade other than F.
The Online Examination will be conducted prior to one week before the start of theory examination of each semester. The Controller of Examinations of the Savitribai Phule Pune University shall announce the online examination window of 6 days per semester i.e. a window of 6 days for Semester I and another window of 6 days for Semester III (in term I and likewise for term II. The number of days will vary as per number of courses) for the examination, in consultation with the Dean – Faculty of Management. The online test shall be conducted for all 4 semesters during each term. There shall NOT be any retest for those students who are absent for the online exam during the declared examination window period. Any student, who is absent for the online test during the regular term, can take the online test for the specific course in the next term and his grades evaluation shall be updated accordingly in the revised Grade Card.The date declared by DTE for commencement of classes as per CAP process shall be the reference date for Semester I. Only for Semester I, in case of unforeseen circumstances the Controller of Examinations (CoE), Savitribai Phule Pune University, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Management may postpone the examinations for Semester I.For Semester II, III and IV the reference date shall be the term commencement date declared by the SPPU.The syllabus for the online examination shall be all 5 units in each full credit course. The duration of online examination for each course shall be of 25 minutes. There shall be one mark for each correct response.There shall be no negative marking for wrong response. There shall be 20 questions – each carrying one mark. All the questions shall be compulsory. The questions shall be of different variety within the objective format. In the extreme event of a student answering all the questions incorrectly, the final score of such a student for that course for the online examination shall be 0 (ZERO).The Faculty of Management shall devise objective question bank comprising questions of varying degree of difficulty, and of different types, in sufficiently large number for each course for the exclusive purpose of the online examination. The objective question paper shall be developed in real time, randomly using an ERP / Learning Management System. The Institutes shall ensure the provision of necessary IT infrastructure and internet bandwidth, backup power supply, for the smooth conduct of such online examination.

Kindly refer to SPPU or Institute website for the Syllabus and further details

Programme Outcomes(PO) of M.B.A. as found in its Degree Holders -
PO 1. Management knowledge: They can apply the knowledge of Management fundamentals, and related sciences, a Management specialization to the solution of complex Management problems.
PO 2. Problem analysis: They can Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex Management problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Management & related sciences.
PO 3. Design/development of solutions: They can design solutions for complex Management problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: They can use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: They can create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern Management and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex Management activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The Manager and society: They can demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering. They can apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional Management practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: They understand the impact of the professional Management solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: They can apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the Management practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: They function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 
PO10. Communication: They can communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the Management community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: They can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Management and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: They can recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of changes in Management & Society.

Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) of  M.B.A. as found in its Degree Holders - 
Specifically the outcomes  of the MBA Programme of the SSPU are:- 
PSO1. The students are equipped with requisite knowledge, skills &right attitude necessary to provide effective leadership in a global environment. 
PSO2. The students have developed competent management professionals with strong ethical values, capable of assuming a pivotal role in various sectors of the Indian Economy &Society, aligned with the national priorities.
PSO3. The students have developed proactive thinking so as to perform effectively in the dynamic socio-economic and business ecosystem. 
PSO4. The students  harness entrepreneurial approach and skillsets.

The list of core courses for MBA (PART –I & PART -II)
Core Courses: The Curriculum comprises of Core Courses and Elective Courses. Core courses are the foundation courses of management education. They are compulsory for all the students. Core courses are of two types: Generic Core & Subject Core.
Generic Core: This is the course which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a degree in a said discipline of study. Therefore, Generic Core courses are mandatory and fundamental in nature. These courses cannot be substituted by any other courses. Such courses are also known as Hard Core Courses.

The list of Generic Core Courses –

Course Code 101: Accounting for Business Decisions 
Course Code 102 Economic Analysis for Business Decisions 
Course Code 103 Legal Aspects of Business 
Course Code 104 Business Research Methods 
Course Code 105 Organizational Behaviour 
Course Code 106 Basics of Marketing 
Course Code 201 Marketing Management 
Course Code 202 Financial Management 
Course Code 203 Human Resource Management  
Course Code 204 Decision Science 
Course Code 205 Operations & Supply Chain Management 
Course Code 206 Management Information Systems 
Course Code 301 Strategic Management 
Course Code 302 Enterprise Performance Management 
Course Code 303 Startup and New Venture Management 
Course Code 304 Summer Internship Project 
Course Code 401 Managing for Sustainability  
Course Code 402 Dissertation. 

Subject Core: A Core course may be a Subject Core if there is a choice or an option for the candidate to choose from a broad category (grouping) of subjects (specializations). These are also known as Soft Core Courses.          

The following is the list of subject core courses Specializations is offered in our Institute-
1) Marketing Management (MKT) - Course Code 305MKT Contemporary Marketing Research Course Code 306MKT Consumer Behaviour Course Code 403MKT Services Marketing Course Code 404MKT Sales and Distribution Management

2) Financial Management (FIN) - Course Code 305 FIN Direct Taxation Course Code 306 FIN Financial System of India , Markets and Services Course Code 403 FIN Indirect Taxation Course Code 404 FIN International Finance
3) Information Technology Management (IT) - Course Code 305 IT IT Management and Cyber Laws - Course Code 306 IT E-Business and Business Intelligence - Course Code 403 IT Software Project Management - Course Code 404 IT Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

4) Operations Management (OPE) - Course Code 305 OP Planning & Control of Operations Course Code 306 OPE Inventory Management Course Code 403 OPE Operations Strategy and Research Course Code 404 OPE Total Quality Management
5) Human Resources Management (HR)- Course Code 305 HR Labour & Social Security Laws 306 HR Human Resource Accounting & Compensation Management Course Code 403 HR Employment Relations Course Code 404 HR Strategic Human Resource Management

6) International Business Management (IB) - Course Code305 IB International Business Economics Course Code 306 IB Export Documentation and Procedures Course Code 403 IB International Business Environment Course Code 404 IB Indian Economy and Trade Dependencies

7) Supply Chain Management (SCM) - Course Code 305 SCM Essentials of Supply Chain Management Course Code 306 SCM Logistics Management Course Code 403 SCM Strategic Supply Chain Management Course Code 404 SCM Knowledge Management in Supply Chains

(Generic Core courses in Semester I provide foundations of management.· Generic Core courses in Semester II focus on functional areas. · Generic Core courses in the Semester III and IV are integrative in nature along with the Subject Core subjects.)